The Harlequin Show Custom Art Project - Captions for photograph are below.
Custom Decorative Painting Finishes / Hand-Painted by Artists
As a leading business in Decorative Painting Finishes, Custom Decorative Art and Interior Painting, we specialize in Art & Finishes on any surface. Decorative Artists are skilled artisans who use specialized tools, brushes, gels and glazes to create unique finishes. As a result, you can achieve custom Art which allows you to stand out from the crowd. When people come to visit, they can see through your eyes and perhaps open their minds to undiscovered creativity. Vitti Art Decor & Painting is creative and knowledgeable with product application, techniques and design. Through experience, we take great consideration into every project and gain a sense of the client’s space. Together with the designer and/or client, we choose the appropriate techniques and finishes. Allow us to bring that feeling in your home or business that you have been wanting.
Our work is found in luxurious communities throughout Florida and the United States.
– Frescoes, Murals & Trompe L’oeil, Metallic and Textured Finishes, Children’s Rooms, Decorative Painting Finishes